Name: Tong
Yang E-mail: From: Porterville Date: 24-Nov-97 08:13 PM Comments: Hi Vivian, I'm one of your greatest fan. I bet you hear a million times. This would be million and one. You are a beautiful and talented person to idolized. My wife think that I'm obsess about you, maybe she right. She looked just like you too. Last month we just had a baby girl and we named it after you. Hearing that you were in Las Vagas, make me think how close you are to me. This chance of you being in Las Vagas would be the closest I would ever be close to you . If you have the time please write back to me at Many Thanks Your Friend, Tong T Yang |
Name: Chun-Wai.
Yun E-mail: Homepage: Chun's Homepage! From: London, UK Date: 21-Nov-97 03:29 PM Comments: Whatever you do, we will always remember you!!! Vivian Forever!!! |
Name: Q.MAY
E-mail: From: Taichung,Taiwan Date: 21-Nov-97 06:04 AM Comments: Dearest VIVIAN ~ VIVIAN,我是台灣台中的Q.May啊!妳還記不記得我呀!很意外居然會 有這個機會可 以寫封信給妳.看到Janice的homepage很開心,因為她為妳所設的homepage十分的 完整,而且很棒喔!!看到留言板上有許許多多來自世界各國支持妳的fans,說盡了 鼓勵 妳,支持妳 的字字句句,心中有著莫名的感動,不只是為妳開心,更為我自己感 到榮幸.這麼多來如此忠實 的支持妳,妳終究沒有令我們失望,因為每一位支持妳的 fan,都以身為VIVIAN FANS為榮!!真的 很感謝妳給了我們這麼多,thanks!!請妳也給我們機會表達心中的感激之情,好嗎??別這麼早就退出, 我們真的希望還有和妳見面的機會~~ 其實當我見到數百計的,他們雖然來自許多國家,但愛妳的 心都是一樣的,說著無限次對妳的想念之情,心中有感而發.深覺其實住在東南亞地區的歌迷和 其他來自美 加地區的個歌迷真是幸運的多了!!每當妳一有新專輯發表的時候,妳總是會 和亞洲地區歌迷們見見面,談談近況,有機會還可以玩玩遊戲之類的,但是恐怕就沒有那麼多機會 能和較遠的fans見面,他們也許一年難得盼到一兩次可以見到妳的機會,所 以他們總是會十 分特別的珍惜能擁有妳的每分每秒.這是值得我們去學習的,我們該更加的珍惜能夠擁有妳的 時間,千萬可別等到都快失去了才開始想到,那恐怕一切都太遲了!!該好好的把握機會,珍惜 身邊所擁有的,也繼續為自己的未來更加努力 .VIVIAN妳也是喔!朝著自己幸福的方向大步邁 進,大家共勉之...,最重要的 ~~~VIVIAN把最後一張專輯出完好不好,我不能忍受突然沒有妳的 日子,至少讓我們做完應盡的事!!好嗎? 我們都很想妳哩!!!!台灣見~~ Q.MAY97' |
Name: Cam
E-mail: From: Los Angeles, California Date: 20-Nov-97 08:32 AM Comments: Hi, Vivian. Although you might not recieve this mail or may not have the time to respond. I sincerely hope you do continue singing because you have such a unique style in pronouncing the words. That's why it sounds so good. Good luck with your career. And please don't stop singing, because your millions and millions of fans(including me of course)would be extremely disapointed. Opps! Sorry, forgot to wish you a happy birthday and may all your wishes come true. |
Name: Tony
E-mail: From: Hong Kong Date: 20-Nov-97 07:58 AM Comments: I miss you very much. Don't retire so soon. I hope you can issue one more album before your retirement. Also, I hope you can put all your beautiful pictures in a collection. Vivian forever!!! *^_^* |
Name: pat
E-mail: From: hongkong Date: 20-Nov-97 06:09 AM Comments: we spent 5days from hk to usa with two full days in the plane just to see vivian's concerts at atlantic city and las vegas. we miss vivian so much and just want to see her again at the stage. we love vivian forever. she's always angel in our hearts. |
Name: kok
tiing shiuh
E-mail: From: Malaysia Date: 20-Nov-97 04:40 AM Comments: Dear Vivian, I got many thing have to say to you. But I know a long letter is not suitable here. I can only tell you that you got a very faithful fan in malaysia. I'll always support what ever your decision. By the way, wishing you have a happy birthday and your concert at 29/11 will be successful. At the end, sorry for the not coming of your concert. But I will buy the concert video if got. end.. |
Name: Eiji
E-mail: From: New Zealand Date: 20-Nov-97 01:56 AM Comments: Dear Vivian: Happy Birthday Vivian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be always in our heart! |
Name: Janice Lo E-mail: Homepage: Vivian Chow's Place - From: Los Angeles, California, USA Date: 20-Nov-97 12:01 AM Comments: ![]() |
Name: Robert
Watson E-mail: From: Memphis TN Date: 19-Nov-97 08:14 PM Comments: To Vivian: I'd like to thank you for giving these concerts. Although I am unable to attend myself, I know that some of your best fans WILL be there. And I am happy that at least they will enjoy you in person. Please consider not totally retiring. For myself, I enjoy your music and will continue to do so. Thank you. |
Name: Nobuyuki
Kudamatsu E-mail: From: Tokyo,Japan Date: 19-Nov-97 07:56 PM Comments: Happy birthday Vivian!! I wish your Japanese consert again. |
Name: Steven
Yik E-mail: Homepage: Steven Yik's Cyber Home From: Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia Date: 19-Nov-97 07:20 PM Comments: Happy Birthday to Vivian Chow. Long live........... Vivian. I will always love U. |
Name: Quoc
Xuan Le E-mail: or From: Us Date: 19-Nov-97 02:28 PM Comments: I would like to say to Vivian about??????? She is too beautyful! I love her picture. Hi Vivian! My name is Quoc. How are you doing? You are very successful person. I wish you'll always be success like that. If you get my massage, would you let me know about that, please! |
Name: Snapper2424
E-mail: From: Date: 19-Nov-97 11:52 AM Comments: hi its me again i just wanted to tell u i gave u a email address and i am going to make a new one so if i do get a new one i will tell u .so how are u vivian i hope u can reply to my mail well i`ll write to u later.*kiss*don`t email me at that address it is a wrong one the computer won`t let me use this letter because i don`t have so if i get a new one i will tell u..... |
Name: dennis
hou E-mail: From: San Francisco Date: 18-Nov-97 10:40 PM Comments: Vivian, you are the best!! All of my friends and I love you. You are my favorite entertainer of all time. Please don't retire. You have so much more talent to offer to the world. My dream is to meet you and talk to you some day. I would love it if you could e-mail me some time. Best of luck to you!! |
Name: Snapper2424
E-mail: From: Canada Alberta Edmonton Date: 18-Nov-97 11:43 AM Comments: Hello Vivian it is a pleasure to talk you i hope you can email me back if it is not in your way i am a huge fan of you i have many of your cd`s but lately i have not seen new ones i wish i can meet you in person i have lots of your posters and and(yes)cards i hope you will stay in the singing industry for a long time why don`t u make a concert in edmonton alberta canada i will be the first one to buy a ticket please if you are not busy wuth your popular life i hope you can email me please i would treasure your words thank you for your time Vivian Chow Forever And every much stronger then Ever i love you!!!!!! |
Name: Kwong
Shek E-mail: Homepage: Automobiles R From: Seattle, WA. U.S.A. Date: 17-Nov-97 10:24 PM Comments: Hi Vivian! I just want to say that you are by far my favorite Chinese entertainer. I have yet to find anyone else in the Chinese music industry that can compare to you. Your combination of beauty, kindness, innocence, and charm is truly one of a kind! Listening to your songs has made me appreciate Chinese music so much more. I would really hate to see you retire from singing and performing, but I also understand that everyone must move on with their lives sometime. I want to thank you for all these years of great music, and hopefully many more to come. Whatever you choose to do in the future, I hope your life is full of happiness and joy. You are one person who certainly deserves it! I'll remember you always... |
Name: Hendy
Teguh E-mail: From: Jakarta, Indonesia Date: 17-Nov-97 09:07 PM Comments: Vivian, first at all, i wish you happy birthday (20/11). Second, i like to say how beautiful you are, how nice your voice is. Third, Please don't retire. Fourth, Could you held a concert on Indonesia especially on Jakarta ? Fifth, Thanks for reading this. |
Name: dickson
thum E-mail: From: malaysia Date: 17-Nov-97 08:25 PM Comments: I miss you. I miss your sweet voice. I miss your beautiful face. I miss you long hair. I miss your songs and I love you. Please don't leave us alone. Please!!!! dickson |
Name: Gene
C. Miller E-mail: Homepage: Hong Kong Song Links From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Date: 16-Nov-97 12:27 AM Comments: Dear Vivian, I first saw some pages about you on the internet about 3 years ago. It was like a miracle; my feeling was that you were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. Beautiful inside, that's what I mean. I'll remember you always (and I'll always love you). May your life be filled with blessings. |