Name: liang
sheng E-mail: From: AnHui HeFei Date: 18-Jan-02 7:31 AM Comments: 你好﹐vivian,現在過得好不好﹐雖然我不知道你能不能看到這封信﹐我 還是想寫點什麼﹐這樣﹐多年來對你的思念之情才能稍稍發泄出來﹐我這 一生最大的遺憾就是未能親眼見你一面﹐我想至死也難瞑目﹐為了完成這 個心願﹐ 我一直在努力﹐其實這個念念不忘的念頭已經讓我辜負了幾個 女孩子﹐也嘗盡了被背叛﹑心碎的感覺﹐但是﹐夢想有錯嗎﹐我只是想看 看你看到你幸福﹐這就夠了﹐你就像是我一個一生牽掛的老友﹐我只是想 在一邊遠遠地看¨﹐vivian﹐你知道嗎 |
Name: jaymie
E-mail: From: san francisco Date: 10-Jan-02 1:40 PM Comments: Hey Vivian, Im one of you biggest fans. I miss watching you movies. I don't understand why you are not acting any more. You've done such adorable job on you movies. The best movie I love you in is The greed on Man. You were so funny and likeable. I've alway want to meet you in person. I heard gossips about you here and there, good and bad. But I don't believe any of the bad stuff. I just wan't to know how are you and if you would ever go back to do showbiz. Please if you can reply back to me. |
Name: 風之扉
E-mail: From: 台灣 Date: 05-Jan-02 4:00 AM Comments: 嗨!近來好嗎?我是來自台灣的花蓮縣,我是妳的歌迷兼影迷,妳的歌非 常好聽,演的電影也很好看,我會永遠支持妳的,我希望妳能寄高中或 國中時期的照片給我,因為我很想看,如果可以的話就拜託妳囉,謝謝. |
Name: Mats
J霵sson E-mail: From: Sweden Date: 04-Jan-02 5:42 AM Comments: HI=) My name is Mats Im a 36 years old Swedish guy, not used to write so called fan mails, but I saw this site on the net and got intressted. Ive seen some movies of yours and I think you are very cute.=) I wold be glad to hear from you, even though I bet you get many mails letters like this every month. Have a nice year 2002 Love mats |
Name: Clarence
hee E-mail: From: S'pore Date: 02-Jan-02 1:27 AM Comments: Hi Vivian, Happy New Year, seen your art and they were very nice. To say, i was a art student 3 years ago but my art is terrible. You are really great! I would be glad enough if you could send me and email so that I know that you have seen my message. Regards |
Name: KaM
E-mail: From: San Luis Obispo, California Date: 27-Dec-01 11:04 PM Comments: "WoW!" A beautiful woman with many talents. Very hard to come by. All the paintings are great. I'm a nature kind of guy, so my personal favorite has to be the black & white paintings of the trees, mountains, cliffs, river, and flowers. I don't have much else to say so I'll end it here. Bye Now. |
Name: carmen
E-mail: From: Guang Dong Date: 23-Dec-01 5:29 AM Comments: hello,vivian!I'm your super fans,I'm very happy to see your E-Mail.Now I'm eighteen,I be your fans for eight years.Be your fans,I'm very very happy.You are a beautiful idol,and you are putty clever lady.Here, I wish you Merry Christams.Be happy.Keep healthy.Good luck everyday.Beautiful forever.I like you forever! Oh,I forget to tell you---we have the same name!See you! |
Name: Chang
Chee Hao E-mail: From: Malaysia Date: 18-Dec-01 4:34 AM Comments: Dearest Wai Man, Again, we've reached to an end of a year. Few more days from now it's Christmas again. Merry Happy Christmas to you and a happy new year... |
Name: Dan
Tokarz E-mail: Date: 12-Dec-01 10:29 AM Comments: I think your cute |
Name: ariel
chow E-mail: From: hk Date: 09-Dec-01 10:04 PM Comments: HiYa ViViAn!! I LoVe YoU So MuCh!! HeRe WiTh ThE WaRmEsT WiShEs!!! |
Name: Carina
Goy E-mail: From: Toronto, Canada Date: 05-Dec-01 2:08 PM Comments: Vivian, I think you're a very beautiful and intelligent women. So, don't retire from showbiz yet, you're still too young to retire. For what I've read on the internet, articles about you, your fans love you in every way. Don't disappoint them by retiring. You worked very hard to get where you are and you're at the top of other singers, so why not stay there for a few more years. |
Name: Power
Wu~~~~流浪者 E-mail: From: Taiwan Date: 20-Nov-01 5:33 AM Comments: 在這令人想念的日子,為什麼總是如此令人悸動??????祝福與思念湧 上心頭... 可是小弟總有一種說不出的感受...想再見Vivian一面,期待她那 美麗的倩影.... 但想到她想過著平凡的生活....自己是不是太自作多情???自己 是不是白忙一場??? 也許沒有人傻得像我..明知不可能卻又欲走還留... 可惜當初沒有好好把握Vivian在演藝圈的日子....當自己想好 好當個追星族的時候, Vivian的倩影卻與自己擦肩而過.4年了,整整4年,雖有無數的明 星,只可惜慧敏的倩影.. 一顰一笑深植心中,思念與期待蒙蔽自己,令自己和這個世界脫 節...^^老實說,自己 真的不識今日到底有多少的歌壇新秀...^^想念Vivian的心到底 有沒有用...??????? 用自己的一生去守候,用盡自己美好時光去等待..值不值得 呢?????往往使自己陷入 天人交戰....失眠夜長長....最近看到Vivian的樣子,三十多歲 的模樣充滿著成熟.... 自信..一種藝術家的氣息,過去臉抹鉛華來的亮麗,動容,一雙水 汪汪的大眼睛楚楚可憐不在 ,的確......人世無常,人類最大的敵人~~~時間,只想守候最美的 ~~Vivian ,可惜永恆不給自己一個機會........^^ 每當自己聽聽Vivian的 歌聲,她那柔美.. 清脆的旋律..輕輕撫摸自己受傷的心靈..^^每當看見Vivian難忘 的倩影,她那溫柔婉約, 令人動容的眼神...如同寒冷冬日中的溫暖陽 光,照亮自己黑暗寒冷的心靈 我相信Vivian已經在自己心中擁有不可動搖的地位....^^雖然自己不 知道多 甚至十幾二十年,自己還能不能記得住她的容顏,但相信自己多年 以後,一定記得曾經 有位女明星深深地令自己無法自拔....^^ 雖然自己如此付出,Vivian究竟會不會知道......但這都不重 要....^^因為自己只想做她^千千萬萬^歌迷中最支持她的一位就足夠 了.....^^一位永遠守候她的恆星....^^ 茫茫人海中,找尋她的背影.....為愛走天涯,不後悔,不怕路 多難走......^^ 滄海桑田,物換星移,變的是Vivian的容顏,變的是大環境,.....
但不變的是自己的那一片痴心,不變的是自己的堅持.......^^在這令 人期待的日子寫出自己的心願..... Forever Happy Birthday to dear Vivian |
Name: Vivian
Tam Nguyen E-mail: From: Germany Date: 15-Nov-01 6:26 AM Comments: Hello Vivian, exactly i don't know what i could write to you. If i write like "oh, vivian i really like you" it seems for me to typical, but i don't want to be like an typical fan. But i think this kind of sentences you always heard before, so finally it is typical, right? I just got some adress from chinese friends and they told me i should take a look at this pages so aftterthat i done. And what i saw was you. I heared about you since one year and i always try to send you letters but they all were failured. Now i hope through Janice Webpage my letter will reach you..maybe..i was sad and tired because none of my letters reached you. The first time i see Janice's Webpage which seems to be very serious...i don't know if i am allowed to write such a long letter, Janice? i really admit i have no time to surf on webpages so that is why i never have the chance to see Janice Webpage. After i saw and read o lot from you(vivian) although i am a workcoholic and don't have the time but in every of my free time i read o lot about you. Sometimes i feel that i know you in a previous life as a sister in a way..although i am not chinese but that never mind me...we are all human beeing!! (but it is a pity cause i can't write in chinese) your dicision to escape the entertainment business was one of the point which let me love you more although i could only see your old concert per video and hear your old songs but everytime i hear your songs they make me feel relax from the business works. (sorry Janice,fans don't be angry with me!)because it shows me that you know the limit and you know that life brings lots of ohter important things like love, not only business life...your decision makes me thoughtfully for my own life. I hope you will answer me one day personelly??! Janice hope you let my letter in the original form, please don't change anything cause this letter is my personelly wish to write in that way!!?? Thanks you so much for having this webpages so that i have the chance to write to lovely Vivian. I would also like to thank Vivian for writing back. Thank you so much for beeing the kind person Vivian and plaese keep further your work on charity of animals! Cause i try to do my work on charity of poor children. in love |
Name: Sophia
E-mail: From: USA Date: 24-Oct-01 6:16 PM Comments: HI Vivian, I think you're the greatest chinese singer and a wonderful actress. I have been listening to you music since 1993 when I was still a kid before moving to US. Now, I am still listening to your music. I don't know what to said, except that you're an amazing person and is talented in everything you do. By the way, those painting are excellent. I am not sure if you will read this message, but I wish the best luck and happiness to you. your fan 4ever, Sophia P.S. Feel free to E-Mail at anytime. Hugs & Kisses. |
Name: Lim
Tung Chi E-mail: From: Medan, Indonesia Date: 16-Oct-01 10:50 AM Comments: Hi Vivian. How are you today? Hope You always on good health and find your happiness. Make a comeback please... Maybe this is all your fans are asking for it. Make our dream comes true, okay?? Take care and bye.... |
Name: Nora
Lesly E-mail: Date: 14-Oct-01 4:23 PM Comments: Oh my gosh! The paintings are AWESOME!!! Keep on moving! Nora =) |
Name: linda
E-mail: From: USA Date: 10-Oct-01 1:15 PM Comments: hi there... i'm u.s.a and i really like your movie, art and everything you have... so wonderful... |
Name: Vivian
Fan E-mail: From: Singapore Date: 09-Oct-01 4:58 AM Comments: Hi, Vivian.. you've been my favorite singer since 1993..Today,even now, I 'm still listening to your songs... They are really nice songs.. And songs that were composed by you are also my favourites... |
Name: rachel
lim E-mail: From: malaysia Date: 09-Oct-01 3:21 AM Comments: hi vivian.i'm your fans since 1991 until now!i like to listen to your songs and watched the movie that you are one of the actress.i also will find out your latest news from entertainment news or in the newspaper.i think you are very pretty and have a beautiful are kind hearted to the animals speacially to the dogs and cats.this is my first time writing to,i don't know whether you will read my message or not.anyways,i just wanna tell yu that you are always my idol no matter where are you!i really hope that you will reply my letter as soon as possible. i wish to get your e-mail before 14/10 which is my birthday! thanks! i will always support you where ever you are! :) |
Name: Sun
Li E-mail: From: Indonesia Date: 03-Oct-01 10:38 AM Comments: Hi Vivian, why there is only few of your cassettes, CD, and VCD were sold in Indonesia ? Will you sing again ? Your paintings is very good . I like it. |