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Leave a Message for Vivian

Name: Rony
From: Indonesia
Date: 27-Jun-00 04:10 PM
Comments: Vivi, you are very beautiful

Name: Mai yang
E-mail: Millionare_yaj
From: Deforest, Wisconsin U.S.A
Date: 22-Jun-00 12:44 PM
Comments: What sup? How are you doing? well me fine as always.Just want to say that I want a picture of you in my E-mail and would you e-mail me.well i got to jet so see u later. Your fan, Mai yang P.S I'm also one of your fan down here.

Name: Renee
From: San Francisco, CA
Date: 12-Jun-00 11:51 AM
Comments: Hi Vivian, Just thought I'd say hello. Haven't seen you around in a long time. Are you still singing? I love your songs. Well, take care. Hope to hear from you. Renee

Name: yoyoy wijaya
From: i'm from Indonesia and i'm living at Bandung city
Date: 09-Jun-00 06:29 AM
Comments: I'm very glad can find anything about you in your website! You know.... I'm very like you (Your face and your songs and your films) I'm think you very very beautiful!!! Ok... success always for you!!!

Name: YoKo Chang
From: Taiwan
Date: 08-Jun-00 09:27 AM
Comments: Dearest Vivian:^^ Very miss u ya!!i always keep u in my mind...never forgot!although we had a very long time no see,but i still miss you as usual.Wish you enjoy your life. =^^=

Name: Edin :)
From: Calgary 
Date: 02-Jun-00 02:04 PM
Comments: Vivian.....I have heard ur songs when i was very very little i would like to hear from u. PLz email me back on the above address. i think u r the greatest. =)

Name: 林幸華
Homepage: 娃娃世界
From: san diego, california....
Date: 30-May-00 08:10 PM
Comments: 其實。。。我已經好久無偶像了。 但係﹐這兩日來﹐不知不覺又聽vivian的歌。 突然間再想起以前瘋狂vivian的日子。 然後再開以前錄過的電影。 再發覺。。。那麼多年之後 才知道﹐ 原來還是忘不了我的一個偶像。 可能是自己太過頭入自己沒天的問題 才把vivian忘掉了。 真可惜。 現在想要 做她的影迷﹐歌迷﹐ 會不會太晚﹖

Name: Romeo
From: Indonesia
Date: 27-May-00 07:20 AM
Comments: Hello vivian and all vivisn fans.., this is a lovely day... Vivian, I have a dream with you, i feel that you are as my sister, u teach me many thing......, i hope it will be come true. by the way i like looking a friendships from many country, so i hope janice dont mind if i use this for looking a friend.... If you wanna be my friends please email me. Thanks Vivian, Janice, and all of you. just keep smiling.

Name: June
From: Singapore
Date: 23-May-00 01:18 AM
Comments: Hi Vivian, It's so great to find out that you're fine and there's possibility to contact you.I was very very sad after knowing that you aren't continue in music field and I'm very very depressed as I've come to love your singing and acting since very very young.Your impression for me is someone who is very very kind, sweet and chrislike... It'll be very very great if we can be normal friends and talk about our life. I'm so happy after knowing that I can keep in touch with you really wanted to know how are your spiritual life. Do tell us more about you and what is your coming-up-plans.I heard alot about your gossips and you know about those rumours out there but I never believe in them.Anyway, I've been praying for you and take care! Love you always and always there to support you! You're always be supported!

Name: Fabian
From: Singapore
Date: 20-May-00 09:20 AM
Comments: I have been fond of you since I was 14(1993). Wish to know if you are still doing fine. Will bless you in everything you do.

Name: Catherine
From: Canada
Date: 20-May-00 12:50 AM
Comments: Hi Vivian, today i suddenly decided to search for your sites and I came to this site and was surprised to see that it was recently updated, I was so happy. It's so hard to find sites with your updated news these days! I think that u r very nice since u have left the entertainment circle and still writing your fans. I almost wanted to cry after reading your letter, it's nice to hear that you're living happily now! You r my favourite singer and i miss u so much, i really hope that u sing again, or cast in some movies. Nowadays, i can't find any female artists that i like, infact, i hate most of them. i like u so much coz u have such a friendly look, and i'm sure you are very friendly in person. i do hope to talk to u someday. I bought so much of your stuff and i will keep it forever! hope that u can email me coz i remembered that i once wrote a letter to u by mail and never got a reply so i really hope that u can reply me this time! i also hope u to have a happy and healthy life forever! ^_^

Name: Romeo
From: Indonesia
Date: 15-May-00 01:29 AM
Comments: I just wanna say "hello" not only for vivian but for the people who love vivian. "Helloooo.... ALL....... !!!! Just keep smile, thats makes me happy...!!!! Nice and happy days in your life. every day is always beautifull. but more beauty if i see your smile. You like to sing, right ?, and i like to write a poetry, may be you wanna make a song. I can give you a lyric. just smile to the world. thanks 

From: taipei, taiwan
Date: 13-May-00 10:08 AM
Comments: Dear Miss Vivian, Long time no see, I miss you so much. I found this web site a few weeks ago, and I read 2 letters in your own handwriting from here. I think this web site is the one that you visit frequently, so I leave this message to you on here, I hope you would read it. It's very lucky that my birthday date is same to you (on November 20, the Scorpio), and I heard about that your blood type is "AB" type, is it true? My blood type is "AB" type too. I fell very honorably. It is my second time to leave a message here, the first time I wrote it in Chinese but it couldn't display well, I write in English now. Because of I'm not good at English, I'm sorry that I can't write too much. But the heart of mine that always supporting and loving you cannot be expressed by language, just like the song you have sung "Unspeakable term". Hope you are very happy in everyday!!

Name: sherwin suarez
From: Philippines
Date: 13-May-00 01:05 AM
Comments: just drop by to read some of your fans letter. I ordered 3 of your movies from the states and it just arrived. I was really enjoying the movies expecially the title kung-fu scholars. it was really funny. I changed my e-mail address to hope to here from you soon. Even if you are not active as a movie star I still wish to here from you even just an e-mail about you. if ever you can reply back to me even in just a mail with your picture and autograph I really would appreciate it. My address is: Mart Enterprises Tabunok, Talisay Cebu Philippines 6045 I would really treasure it if you would write to me. Hey if you ever would like to visit here in Cebu I would be very honored to fetch you and tour you in the City even if I would take a day off of my busy schedule. your loyal fan forever. 

Name: Michelle
From: Singapore
Date: 12-May-00 10:35 AM
Comments: Dear Vivian, I like one of your song done by Leslie Cheung - Ìì»Ä°®Î´ÀÏ. Although you have already retired from showbuzz, you are still in our heart.

Name: Jen
From: CA, LA
Date: 06-May-00 01:17 AM
Comments: Hey Viv, Yeah, so how's ur new life? Don't you miss us? If you do, just have a last concert...please...if you do...have it in LA cuz whenever you have it in's too far.. that's why I never have that chance to go see you. Well, just think about it...bye! Take care!

Name: Tonny
From: Taiwan
Date: 02-May-00 09:49 AM
Comments: Dear Vivian.I am so missing you! Please call 0926134487------Taiwan.

Name: dark_hero
Homepage: ¨¨¨¨Ãô?ccedil;?egrave;
From: jingdezheng,jiangxi
Date: 02-May-00 07:52 AM
Comments: I am your one of the best loyal fan!!! I love deeply you!!! And I very miss you!!! I collected your photos more the 1300! And I also wish you the best of luck and happiness in everyday!!! Can you tell me your E-Mail? And can you write to me?

Name: Yudi
From: Indonesia
Date: 30-Apr-00 09:02 PM
Comments: Hi vivian, I love you very much. you are a very beautifull girl and your voice is sweet. would you give me your picture and send me email. I cant say anything more, I just hope you read this email. bye... KEEP SMILE

Name: Sunny
From: Pakistan
Date: 21-Apr-00 04:07 PM
Comments: u r sooooooooo beautiful please give me ur email address asap ok bye

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