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Leave a Message for Vivian

From: Indonesia
Date: 04-Jan-99 01:55 PM
Comments: : hi, vivian , I just wanna say that i will always be your fans i'll never stop lovin' you.that's all.

NameBennie Wong
From: Philippines
Date: 03-Jan-99 03:55 AM
Comments: I'm one out of the millions crazy fans, Hi adorable V. Can't wait for your next album. Know what? my table is very old but don't want to replace it because a photo of you is placed on top, love to see your picture daily. Will there be possiblity that you might visit Manila,Phils. ? Thanks for being in the entertainment industry, more power !!! Love to recieved a photo of you ( signed ), please.. address ( 6th Ave. corner 9th St., Caloocan City, metro Manila, Philippines. Your loyal fan, Bennie

NameChester See Thean Thean
From: Penang,Malaysia.
Date: 03-Jan-99 03:27 AM
Comments: I`am a fan of you and I want you to know that I will support you in whatever you do.Don`t retire so soon.

From: US
Date: 31-Dec-98 07:36 PM
Comments: Hi Vivian, Are you going to have an album in English soon? I really like you as an actress and a singer. It's just that I don't know Chinese at all:-(

NameRedzham S.
From: Sabah,Malaysia
Date: 29-Dec-98 08:56 PM
Comments: Hi! i'd like to say that i'm really a great fan of vivian c.. I also wanted vc to know that i love her voice,her acting and i admired her natural beauty...If only i could meet her,then it is the most unforgetable memory in my life.Still,i know that it is merely possible...Anyway,oneway,highway..i wish her the best of luck in her life...Be Happy Vivian... If you're free,do contact me...

From: Cali
Date: 26-Dec-98 06:22 PM
Comments: Hi, I would like to say u are the most talented female chinese singer. I love all ur movies, ur songs, and all ur videos. My favorite song is, " A Long and lasting Love." I don't really understand chinese songs, but I love urs. Please keep coming out with new songs. I will always be a fan. Love Always! =)

NameBuddy Lin
From: Taiwan
Date: 24-Dec-98 06:51 PM
Comments: 你好!Vivian,聖誕節過的可好,最近在新聞中都有看到妳,知到了好 多有關妳的一些 事情,不過那些記者也挺無聊的,儘問妳一些"妳和 倪先生訂婚了沒"之類的一些令人反感私人問題,不過最少有妳的一 些消息了,希望 那些記者可沒打擾到妳,不過耶誕到了,身為妳的歌迷 ,不祝妳一下耶誕快樂,怎麼可以呢???? 祝妳聖誕快樂................ 林育賢 1998/12/25 10:56

From: USA
Date: 24-Dec-98 05:52 PM
Comments: Vivian! please don't leave! we would miss you oh! so bad! why don't you make a fan meeting in San Diego? =) welp..just wanna say don' retire!

From: Auckland ,New Zealand
Date: 23-Dec-98 01:02 PM
Comments: Vivian, 明天就係聖誕節啦! 先希望你同各位聖誕快樂。 上次番香港買左幾隻你舊既cd覺得 很好聽, 而覺得你退休係很可惜。 但係自己開心就算啦。 希望你保持青春。。。 小奕霖

Namehardi hasan
From: yogyakarta, indonesia
Date: 18-Dec-98 04:45 AM
Comments: hi!! I'm your fans from Indonesia. I'll always be your fans. YOU r the greatest stars.

From: Washington
Date: 15-Dec-98 06:50 PM
Comments: Hi Vivian, I think that you are very talented and a gifted artist. I wish you good luck and please sing more songs!

NameDixon, Chung Yuen Ping
From: Hong Kong
Date: 06-Dec-98 03:02 AM
Comments: Dear Vivian, It is so Nice to meet you at the fans club meeting on 14 Nov,98. You are really great and special! It is so sad to know that it is the last Fan cLub meeting. I miss you. But I can never forget your sweet voice and your smile. I will love you forever and ever. Hope to see you again.

NamePeggy Chau
From: Hong Kong
Date: 01-Dec-98 09:47 PM
Comments: Hi! I am not quite sure if u could receive this message or not, but I surely hope u could still sing for us. I was really depressed during the time I missed your farewell concert at Atlantic City. I hope u could still establish a fan club in North America so we could keep in contact. Words could not really describe our feeling of needing u back, but I surely hope u could consider the way your fans feel towards you. We really misses you! Hope you could have a fan club established in North America by the year of 1999. Hope to hear from u soon. We love u!

From: Indonesia
Date: 26-Nov-98 12:46 AM
Comments: I love you.

From: Sydney
Date: 25-Nov-98 01:07 AM
Comments: Hi there Viv. To me, seeing you leave like that is a real shame to us all. You were, I think alot of young girls dream come true (including mine). you were talented and beautiful. But I guess you have got a life and must lead your own life to you wishing and not to other peoples liking. But I am disappointed that now when I go to the record store I can no longer buy your cd, like how I use to look forward to buying everytime. I go there.. and also I no longer can look forward to seeing you on movies or shows anymore. But ALL the best with whatever you decide to do and may god be with you all the way thought it. I do hope to see you occassionally pop up once in a while somewhere in a show, just for us fans to see you glowing new self. I wonder if you will read this..if you do please reply and let me know. ps. Have you been to sydney, Australia ???????

From: Mass. USA
Date: 23-Nov-98 01:32 PM
Comments: I love you Vivian as always, you are my favorite idol forever!!!

Name: Yuxian
From: Taiwan
Date: 20-Nov-98 03:50 AM
Comments: 嗨! Vivian我是妳的歌迷喔!今天是妳的生日,希望妳過的愉快,好久沒 見到妳了.但我想妳一定過的很好,希望妳在淡出歌壇的那段時間 ,學到&享受到許 多以往不可得的東西&快樂....祝福妳在未來的期 間一樣可以學到很多東西... 祝 生日愉快 林育賢 1998/11/20 19:46

Name: Janice Lo
Homepage: Vivian Chow's Place -
From: Los Angeles, California, USA
Date: 20-Nov-98 12:02 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vivian!!!!! Wow, I can't believe it is almost 1 year after your last concert in Las Vegas. That was the BEST concert I've ever been to here in the USA! I'm quite sad I was not able to attend your last fan club meeting in HK on November 14th. But I have a feeling that in the future (hopefully soon), I will have a chance to see you again. The USA/Canada fans and I are hoping that you will have a fan club meeting here in North America some day. I wish you all the best in whatever you do and hope you enjoy your vacation here in North America. Perhaps you can visit Los Angeles sometime. A couple of my friends and I would be happy to show you around LA. *^_^* Take care and please keep in touch!

NameMichael White
From: America
Date: 17-Nov-98 02:07 PM
Comments: Vivian, you are the greatest. I love your music and your sweet voice. Keep making beautiful albums! E-mail me if you wish! I love you-from America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NameMike Yim
From: U.S.
Date: 13-Nov-98 10:01 AM
Comments: I've alway's been a big fan of yours, but I've never actually got to see you in person. It would be great if you could hold a fan club meeting here in the U.S. Thank's a lot Vivian!

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