Vivian at Oxfam Rice Sale Campaign Prize Presentation Ceremony (July 25, 2008)
at Causeway Bay Community Centre; 3:30PM

THANKS to Willy for these photos!!

"Oxfam Rice Sale Campaign 2008" Prize Presentation Ceremony

Names of Volunteers at Oxfam Rice Sale

Translation of Carmen's message:
Earlier when Oxfam held their 'Oxfam Rice Sale' fundraising event, there were fans from overseas, Mainland China, and Hong Kong who strongly supported this event and participated in this event. Everyone's donations have already given the Sichuan earthquake victims a bit of warmth. In addition, the results of the fundraising event were extremely good, due to the great effort of our fans who volunteered to help at the rice sale. Our "Vivian Chow Fans Union" received this year's "Volunteer Group Fundraising - 3rd Place" Oxfam award!... and we were also able to attend the prize presentation ceremony and receive a certificate of appreciation. Even though we really wanted to invite all of the volunteers to the prize presentation ceremony, there was a limit in the number of people who could attend, so after discussing this, we were only able to invite the volunteers who helped during the 2 days of the rice sale to attend this event. Please forgive us!

Finally, we would really like to thank all of the fans who participated in the rice sale event, whether it be donating your money or donating your time and effort to help with the event. It is our good fortune to be able to help those in need. Hopefully in the future days, everyone will be able to continue to participate in more community work, and make a difference in society. Again we'd like to say "Thank you!" to everyone!

Thanks again to the following volunteers who showed their support for this event:
Names of Volunteers at Oxfam Rice Sale

Oxfam Rice Sale Campaign Prize Presentation Ceremony Letter

Oxfam Rice Sale Campaign Certificate of Appreciation

Thanks to Carmen for the info!

Created by Janice Lo
Created on August 12, 2008.
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