Vivian Chow's Beauty Secrets
Page 4
Vivian's Beauty Hints
- Putting on Make-up. Facial
powder mixed with a little make-up base goes on better.
- Covering Up. Apply
liquid foundation such as Clinique's Balanced Makeup Base to dark rings
around the eyes before putting on make-up. For the best effect, be sure
to use enough foundation and spread it evenly over the face and neck.
- Winter Make-up. A
thin layer of powder applied to the face can protect the skin against chilly,
dry winter days.
- Haircare. Hair
won't break as easily if combed from the ends (rather than the top) after
shampooing. Apply hair lotion for protection before blow drying; I use
Senscience for hair protection.
- Xiasangju Herbal Beverage. I
enjoy a drink made by mixing two sachets of Xiasangju Herbal Beverage with
water. You don't need to add sugar. It's very soothing in the hot weather
and tastes great especially when chilled.
- Eye Drops.
Senju CL Eyedrops are very soothing for women who wear contact lenses.
- Beauty According to Vivian. Cherrie
Chung and Lin Qing-Xia are dazzling, Loletta Lee is so sweet, Sandy Lam
has a natural perfect complexion. They're all beautiful in their own
Created by Janice Lo 
Copyright (c) Orient Beauty 1996. All Rights Reserved.
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