Vivian Gallery Page 4


In '95, Japanese singer Gat Tin Wing Jok flew to HK to work w/ Vivian, singing a Japanese duet called, "Hug Me Now."


Vivian and Roman Law Man sang the Chinese opera "Gim Hap Chaai Yuen" for a charity show.


Besides working, Vivian would take the time to do volunteer work, going to the hospital to visit patients.


From the beginning, the media said Charlie Yeung was threatening Vivian's position as "Jade Girl Master," but this didn't hurt their friendly relationship.


There was a time period when Vivian liked to wear hair wigs, so that she could change her long hair image of many years.


Vivian would cut other people's hair and showed off her skills on DJ Leung Yik Leun.


Vivian loved Chinese opera songs when she was young. She put on Chinese opera makeup and clothing to act in "Dai Nui Fa Ji Am Yue."


Vivian would often have the chance to wear a wedding dress to perform a song. But when would she really get married?


In the '96 Miss HK Semi-Finals show, Vivian and Kenny B were the judges for the "Miss Photogenic" award.


In '96, Vivian and Simon Yam were one of the guest award presenters at Taiwan's Golden Horse Award show.


In November '97, after Vivian finished her Atlantic City and Las Vegas concerts, she started to step back from the entertainment scene.


Currently enjoying her lifestyle, Vivian went to a concert w/ her good friend James Wong.


In 2000, Vivian asked for donations for SAA (Society for Abandoned Animals) at a fund raising event. It was rare for her to appear in public places, but she still kept her good


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Created by Janice Lo