Vivian Gallery Page 4
In '95, Japanese singer Gat Tin Wing Jok flew to HK to work w/ Vivian, singing a Japanese duet called, "Hug Me Now." |
Vivian and Roman Law Man sang the Chinese opera "Gim Hap Chaai Yuen" for a charity show. |
Besides working, Vivian would take the time to do volunteer work, going to the hospital to visit patients. |
From the beginning, the media said Charlie Yeung was threatening Vivian's position as "Jade Girl Master," but this didn't hurt their friendly relationship. |
There was a time period when Vivian liked to wear hair wigs, so that she could change her long hair image of many years. |
Vivian would cut other people's hair and showed off her skills on DJ Leung Yik Leun. |
Vivian loved Chinese opera songs when she was young. She put on Chinese opera makeup and clothing to act in "Dai Nui Fa Ji Am Yue." |
Vivian would often have the chance to wear a wedding dress to perform a song. But when would she really get married? |
In the '96 Miss HK Semi-Finals show, Vivian and Kenny B were the judges for the "Miss Photogenic" award. |
In '96, Vivian and Simon Yam were one of the guest award presenters at Taiwan's Golden Horse Award show. |
In November '97, after Vivian finished her Atlantic City and Las Vegas concerts, she started to step back from the entertainment scene. |
Currently enjoying her lifestyle, Vivian went to a concert w/ her good friend James Wong. |
In 2000, Vivian asked for donations for SAA (Society for Abandoned Animals)
at a fund raising event. It was rare for her to appear in public places,
but she still kept her good |
Created by Janice Lo